18 Top Presentation Design Tips to Create an Awesome Slide Deck | Presentation designing tips 2021



18 Top Presentation Design Tips to Create an Awesome Slide Deck


Here are 18 proven tips that will have your audience

talking about your presentation

Audience listening presentation

Ø #1 Make Your Presentation Cover Slide Count


It could be that I have a life-long love of Star Wars, or it could be that their presentation cover slide was designed to do just that: grab your attention. That’s why you should not stick with a boring, text-only title slide. Don’t be afraid to use icons and illustrations to make a statement.

Cover slide count
Cover slide count

Ø #2 Keep Your Employee Engagement Presentations Light   


Sometimes you need to get away from stuffy, professional presentation ideas to capture your audience’s attention. In this case, Officevibe used some very colorful and playful illustrations to stand out from the crowd.

Employee Engagement Presentations Light

Employee engagement presentation light

Ø #3 Don’t Use More than 6 Lines of Text


Packing too much information into a slide will completely undermine its purpose. Remember: The audience often has to process everything you say while they view the slide.

6 Lines text

Ø #4 Maintain a Strong Contrast Between Text and Background


In order for your message to pop, you need a high level of contrast between your text and the background. If your background image features a lot of variation, portions of your text may not be legible. In that case, a stylish bar of color behind the image can bring the legibility back while adding visual interest.


Ø #5 Use Visuals to Increase Emotional Appeal


Visuals are there to help support your message; they can enhance comprehension, retention and elicit an emotional response that increases impact. Use powerful visuals to get your point across.

 Use captivating visuals

“Create your own visual style…let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.” – Orson Welles


There are countless benefits to using visuals in your slide deck. They support a storytelling narrative to your presentation. They enhance emotive impact. And, they materialize abstract concepts. But there is another fantastic thing they do, which people forget – they personalize your presentation. By using images, you create your own visual style. So be aware of the images you use – they can act as a template for others to identify your work and your ideas.

Check out this article to find out the best sources for slide deck images.

Simple but strong visuals go a long way. Make sure the images pair with the text and support it. Don’t be afraid to fill a whole slide with a picture, in order to keep the message focused. Be funny, inspiring, bold, and most of all, make an impact!

Ø #6 Say No to Animations


One of the trickier aspects of a slide design pitch deck to master is the use of animations. In general, the use of animations isn't recommended because:

  • They tend to slow your presentation, especially if you're adding a transition animation between each slide.
  • They tend to distract the audience while you're constructing an argument or story.
  • Finally, they might feel cheesy while you're pitching in a professional context (such as when asking for funding from potential investors).

In those scenarios, the animation helps you with your objective. But if you're using animations just for the sake of using animations, it means your presentation is probably better off without any in it at all.


Ø #7 By Being Funny

 By making people laugh, they'll automatically feel more positive about the story you're telling. This is a powerful cognitive dissonance. The risk is to not appear as a comedian: you're still pitching in a professional context, but a laugh every now and then is a welcome relief.

Funny presentation

Ø #8 By Being Clever

If you surprise people by providing new insights, they'll remember your presentation better, as you provided value on a personal level for the audience.

Being clever

Ø #9 Shorter your presentation the better

             If your presentation is longer, create breaks or change of format   every 20 minutes to recharge the audience’s attention.

Shorter your presentation

Ø #10 Use fonts hierarchy

            If you cannot further trim copy, use fonts hierarchy to highlight important messages and clearly communicated content structure. We are used to scanning not reading.

Fonts hierarchy
Fonts hierarchy

Ø #11  Highlight key points

Extracting the most important data points and highlighting them with larger typography or iconography will help them stand out and be more memorable.

Highlight key point
Highlight key point


Ø #12 Insert breather slides

Those slides help the audience and presenter catch a break. Can indicate a transition from one part of the presentation to another.

Insert breather slides

Ø #13 Use two or three fonts max


Nothing clutters up a design like too many fonts. We recommend sticking to just two fonts throughout your entire presentation, and three at the most.

It's a good idea to find one larger, bold font for your headers and a separate sans serif font for the rest of your copy. But presentations often utilize an accent font like an italicized or serif font.


Ø #14 Don’t use bullet points


Here's another one of our “don’t use too much text” presentation tips. Bullet points have plagued presentations for years. But if you want yours to stand out, it’s best to stay away from them.

There are so many other more engaging and visually appealing ways to design your presentation slides. Bullets just aren’t one of them.

Bullet points
Bullet points

Ø #15 Use Quality Photography


Photography is one of the single best ways to make your presentation look awesome. It’s also one of the single best ways to make it lame. The “business people on white background” look is nice, but it’s overdone and tends to look a bit too much like stock art or flat out cliché.

Quality photography

Ø #16 Choose your colours wisely


Colours play a major role in how your audience receives your presentations. It’s not just about making them look good either, colors can even be used to sway your audience’s line of thinking.


Ø  #17 Nature-inspired Design

This versatile trend can be integrated into almost any style, technique or format – and that includes presentations. More Images, Less Text

If you plotted "attention spans" on a chart, you'd see that the trend is downward! That's why it helps to adapt your content to reality by using less text.

Nature inspired background
Nature inspired background

Ø #18 Bring the Digital World to Life


What's better than screenshots of your new app or website? Seeing those screenshots brought to life with a device mockup.

Digital world





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